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Miss C Phillips, Housemistress of Derry and Assistant Director of Music

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It raises the profile of women across the world, particularly of those who are not fortunate to enjoy the rights and freedom that we have in this country. 

Which women are you inspired by?

As a musician, I have been inspired by generations of female musicians who have gone before me. Whilst at school, as a prospective Oxford Organ Scholar, I was inspired by Libby Burgess, who was the first female to be awarded the organ scholarship at Christchurch, Oxford. The organ scholar scene at Oxford had previously been a male-dominated world and Libby broke this mould, a couple of years before I started at Oxford.  

What role or impact would you like to play in relation to women's rights, today?

As a teacher it is vital that we are educating the leaders of tomorrow's world in all that we do and it is my hope that by leading by example, the drive for equality will continue across the world. Having lived in the Middle East prior to coming to Worksop, I have seen the need for this first hand. The celebration of women's achievement is paramount, and I personally, as Housemistress of Derry, look forward to hearing of the successes of the Derry girls in the future, in whatever field that may be.

What taboos related to women do you wish were broken?

That women are not as 'strong' as men.