Super Sprint Triathlon to take place at Worksop College on the 25th September 2021.
Teacher Mr Cawley and a Worksop College student have been working to create a super sprint triathlon event scheduled for the 25th September 2021.
The event includes a 400m swim, followed by a 10km cycle and a 5km run covering both college grounds and the famous Dorm Run circuit. It is an opportunity for past and present members of the school community to get involved.
Mr Cawley says ‘This is a great opportunity to have something to train towards and a perfect event for those who wish to participate in their first triathlon.’
The proceeds of the event will go towards the '125 Bursary Appeal’. The school aims to grow the fund for bursaries to mark 125 years since it first opened its doors. This will put a child through education who may not have the opportunity had they not received a bursary.
The event is also in aid of the ‘Chronic Children's Arthritis Association’ - A charity which helps children and their families who live with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). Offering emotional and practical support and do what they can, to help bring positive change for children and their families.
With each purchased ticket, the racer will receive race entry, a donation to the mentioned causes, a competitors T-shirt and a BBQ. Tickets are also available which include bike hire, and there is a further option should you not wish to race but want a BBQ and to support a good cause.
‘I also want to extend an invite to any students who would be kind enough to volunteer their time to help steward on the day. Any help will be greatly appreciated’, says Mr Cawley.
Should you wish to take part in the event, click HERE to buy your ticket.