It has been cold, grey and altogether miserable over this February half term. And let’s face it, trying to think of new activities to keep your little ones active every day is exhausting!
So, we’ve tried our best to think of a few ideas to help make the last weekend of half term extra fun.
- Fashion show – let your child dress however they like, whether that’s trying on mummy/daddy’s clothing or matching a Princess crown with the Spiderman costume. Ooh and ah as they come down the ‘catwalk’.
- Spy maze – using string or masking tape try making a web for your children to travel through. This could be in a hallway and if they touch the ‘lasers’ they have to start again!
- Rainbow scavenger hunt – ask your child to find an object in every colour and arrange them in an arch on the floor.
- ‘Retro’ crafts – have a go at making some traditional crafts with your little ones. Some ideas for this could be making a ‘telephone’ out of yoghurt pots and string, making a paper fortune teller with fun dares or having an egg painting competition.
- Indoor sand castles – you will need; flour (8 cups), baby oil (1 cup), a bath tub (or container) and some cups. It’s a great way to keep little hands busy. Food colouring can be added to make the sand a bit more fun.