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The opportunity to perform is a true strength at Ranby House and the College. Pupils may join Ranby House Choir in Year 3, learning the art and discipline of choral performance and setting them on a path towards the superb College Chapel Choir.

Founded within two weeks of the opening of the College in 1895, the Chapel Choir remains central to music at Worksop College, leading the weekly full-school services of Choral Eucharist and other occasions in the magnificent St Cuthbert’s chapel in the school grounds.

Providing an exceptional musical education, the College has trained a number of singers and organists who have gained scholarships at Cathedrals and the UK’s leading universities and Conservatoires, including Oxford and Cambridge. 

The choir can often be heard singing services at neighbouring cathedrals and minsters such as Durham, York, Southwell, Lincoln and Ripon, and further afield at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and at the Gresham Centre in London. International tours are also an important part of musical life, with Rome, Leipzig, Salzburg, Venice, Vienna, Tuscany, and Prague all on the destination list over recent years.

It’s not all about the classical music, though -  members of VIVA (Years 5 and 6), VOX (Years 7 and 8) and Schola Cantorum (Years 9-13) explore rock, pop and jazz music. Click here to listen to our choirs in action.

Groups and Ensembles to get involved in


  • Samba Band
  • Guitar Group
  • String Group
  • Wind Group
  • Fun Soul Brothers (Year 5 Boy Band)


  • Orchestra
  • Senior String Ensemble (Camerata)
  • String Quartet
  • Junior String Ensemble
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Brass Ensemble
  • Bert’s Big Band
  • Saxophone Quartet