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Change a life, fund a bursary...

Coming down the driveway on the first day of term, rushing through the cloisters towards your next lesson, climbing up the stairs towards your House common room - your days at Worksop College and Ranby House were, perhaps, some of the most formative of your life. They may have helped to shape or inspire your career or provided you with lifelong friendships.

We would like to give these opportunities to as many children as possible, understanding Worksop College is at its greatest when we are a diverse school, one with a healthy social mix and a breadth of talent, character and backgrounds.   

Regular giving is a valuable source of income for the School and enables us to offer transformational places to children. Gifts can be given monthly, quarterly and annually.

Suzanne's Story 

"Being granted a bursary made things easier for my parents. Money was very tight. My Mum went to work nights as a nurse to help with the fees to put me through private school. Worksop College gave me confidence. It helped me believe I could have a go at things. I now have my own limited company, specialising in providing tax advice to expats." Suzanne Stubbings (D 82-87).

Katy's Story 

"Without a bursary, I would not have gone to Worksop, and without Worksop, I would not have known. I remember meeting Mr Collard for the first time, and him saying that I should study Latin, even though I had never been to a school that offered it before. That was either very prescient or just a very good guess, but here I am years after, with a bachelor’s and master’s in Classics, training to teach it to students of the same age that I was then," Katy Lamkin (Sh 11-16).

James' Story 

"I was awarded a bursary, which came both from within the school and from others. I have no doubt that Worksop shaped the person I have become. Worksop always advanced the social ethos for which it was well known. School certainly helped me with my first career which was as an officer cadet in the Merchant Navy as school living instilled all the skills that were needed to live in the environment I found myself," James (T 74-77).

To learn about other ways of giving, please see HERE.