It was another great Exeat weekend, with 26 students staying at Worksop College.
After dinner in the Great Hall, the students unpacked and tried to familiarise themselves with the unfamiliar space of Portland House. Once settled in, the students relaxed into the evening with hot drinks and snacks. However, eight of the boys’ with energy to spare, headed-off for a post-9pm game of basketball in the Sports Hall.
Saturday morning included a long lie-in and a continental breakfast before the students headed off to Meadowhall in Sheffield for shopping, cinema and an evening meal - with our students spoilt for choice!
Back at the College, a number of the students’ spent the evening in the brand new Sixth Form Centre, whilst the remainder watched ‘The Fast and the Furious’ film.
Sunday was another relaxing day, with a lazy breakfast, opportunity to walk around the fields and woods, before heading off for a roast dinner at the local pub. Upon their return, the students cleaned Portland before returning to their own House for the evening and school week ahead.

Mr Aidan Futter said:
“It was another super Exeat here at the College, where our students had the opportunity to have a say in their own trips, plus lots of free time to relax, study or just socialise with fellow Worksop College students.”