Although we've received the welcome news that Centre Assessed Grades WILL be used to award GCSE results, we know the last few months have been a confusing time. Here's what you can expect tomorrow..
You may have seen that Ofqual announced yesterday that final results would now be made available to all schools by tomorrow morning (as opposed to next week as they had originally stated). This means that results for all GCSE students will now be available on the portal from 9am tomorrow, 20th August.
PLEASE NOTE - Cambridge results posted tomorrow for Computer Science, Geography and History will be the awarding body moderated results, and do not take into account any Centre Assessed Grades which may have been higher. We are advised that pupils will ultimately be awarded whichever grade is the higher and we will be back in touch once we have heard from Cambridge. For these subjects, if pupils wish to know their Centre Assessed Grades, they can speak to a member of the Leadership Team in person tomorrow, by telephone, or via email enquiries@wsnl.co.uk
- Please collect your results between 9.30am and 11am. Teachers will be on-hand to discuss next steps, including Sixth Form entry
- The main drive, car park and main entrance will be open for you to use
- Only pupils are to come into the building; parents/carers will be asked to wait in the car park please and to maintain social distancing
- If discussions regarding A level choices are necessary, then parents are invited in to the Great Hall but we would ask that social distancing is maintained
- Pupils are asked to use hand sanitiser before entering, and we politely request that face masks are worn inside the building
- Please head to the Great Hall to pick up your results, where staff will be available, should you need to speak to them
- A one way system will be in place and you will exit to the rear of the Great Hall
- If you do not intend to come in to collect results and need further assistance, please email us with any questions you may have at enquiries@wsnl.co.uk