Anti-bullying week is held every November, with the aim of raising awareness of bullying amongst young people. This ultimate aim from raising awareness, is to reduce bullying online and in school.
Why is anti-bullying week such an important occasion to mark?
This year, anti-bullying week is more important than ever, as we need to acknowledge how important kindness is. We have spent the last few years separated from one another; two meters apart, unable to socialise. This isolation has highlighted how important little acts of kindness are and how they can brighten someone’s entire day.
We want all our students to leave Worksop College being kind, well-rounded individuals. This is why we think it’s so important to mark anti-bullying week; especially as this years’ theme is ‘One Kind Word’ – we could all do with a little kindness!
What is put in place for students at Worksop College who want to speak to someone?
The community at Worksop College is what sets us apart from any other school. We care deeply about each other, be it in the same House, the same Year, or just a member of the community. If any of our students are struggling, there are a multitude of people they can turn to. Our pastoral systems are designed to ensure that pupils always feel there is someone they can turn to if they need help, in an informal or more formal capacity. Our small group and our one-to-one tutoring system allow the pupils the opportunity to have weekly, face to face meetings with their tutor, where they are at liberty to discuss all sorts of issues, from academic progress to their worries or concerns. Our Houseparents are also a great source of support and advice.
We are also lucky to have a Health Care facility on site, where students can talk to one of our nurses, or the school listeners, and access to counselling can also be arranged. The chaplain plays an invaluable role in the support of the students, as do the trained peer listeners and the wider pastoral staff.