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  • A level (AQA)
  • 2 years

You do not need to have taken GCSE Drama to take A level Drama and Theatre Studies at Worksop College. 

What you will need, however, is a strong level of performance or design, a creative approach to productions and the ability to evaluate a performance. 

The qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding, and you’ll learn through experience, through seeing theatre and through making theatre yourself. 

You will be introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as you explore plays and work on performances. During the course, you can choose to develop as a Performer, Designer (lighting, sound, set, costume or puppets), Director or combination of all of the above.

Studying Drama and Theatre at A Level will teach you to become independent and inquisitive -  providing you with the opportunity to develop excellent communication and collaboration skills,  in addition to analytical thinking. These are skills that are essential not only for drama, but also a wide range of higher education subjects and the workplace. 

This subject is for you:
if you enjoy performing, collaborative and group work, practical or analytical thinking, lighting, sound, costume or set design, exploring different cultural and social influences. You will have an aptitude for generating and communicating ideas, and you’ll be excited to experiment – seeking challenge and taking a practical approach to your work. 

40% exam                                                                                                                                                            60% practical