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  • A level (AQA)
  • 2 years

With a focus on learning outside the classroom – you can expect a variety of field trips and opportunities, and an exciting lecture series – Biology in Action.

Biology is interesting in its own right, stimulating concern and respect for all life. Studying this subject can help you develop a wide range of key skills, in addition to increasing your understanding of scientific principles. A Biology qualification can lead to a variety of degree paths, such as Medicine, Environmental Science, Physiotherapy and Biomedical Sciences. And even if you decide not to continue with Biology at a higher level, you will learn valuable skills that you can apply to almost any degree or career choice.

You’ll study many characteristics of living organisms, including biological molecules, cells, physiology, genetics and the environment. You’ll also look at how current biological concepts have been developed, and the contribution biologists have made to society.

This subject is for you:
if you enjoy Science, Maths and English, and have an aptitude for these subject areas. You will be excited by how the natural world, and your body, work. You will enjoy working independently, as well as a part of study groups, and small teams.

100% exam